Securing your Home or Business

There is a theory that the built environment influences people’s behaviours, so there are plenty of ways to adjust your own actions to better keep your home or business safe and to discourage would-be thieves from breaking into your place.  


Do not provide places for thieves to hide. Be sure to trim back trees and bushes from around your house so there is a free line of sight from the street. You may feel this reduces your privacy, but isolating yourself provides opportunities for robbers and attackers.

Instead of plants blocking the views, simply have blinds installed in your windows. Having some form of window covering will help deter unwanted individuals from seeing into your home and checking out what belongings they would like to take from you.

There are a few things every person should install: exterior sensor lights, a video doorbell, and a monitored/audible security system. The lights will not only provide you light to see by when you get home but can let you know when someone is too close to your house. Becoming unexpectedly in a spotlight can act as a deterrent for would-be thieves. Having a security system installed can assist in reporting an issue to both the police and bystanders should someone attempt to break in.

A video doorbell is also beneficial as you can check who is at the door before opening it. Potential attackers can cover the peephole in doors to block your view, and looking through the window lets unwanted visitors know you are there. While you do want robbers to think the house is not empty, the opposite holds true when it comes to your kleptomaniac great-aunt.


One of the smartest things to do when moving to a new house or apartment is to install new locks, including deadbolts, on all exterior doors. Not only will you know who has a copy of the key, but keylocks can be easily forced and chain locks are ineffective. Do not forget to install a security bar on sliding doors to prevent easy entry.

Get light timers to help give the illusion you are home, even when you are away at work or on holiday. If you are only going to be gone for the day, having the television or the radio on gives the impression someone may be at home as it provides muffled sounds that could be people talking within.

Keep any valuables out of sight and in a secure place. If you are able to hide a fireproof safe in your home, that is the best location for any irreplaceable items and important documents. Any papers you wish to get rid of, shred them all to prevent anyone from gaining personal information from your recycling bin.


Get to know your neighbours. The people on the street where you live are your greatest resource, they will let you know what is happening in the area so you can adjust your plans and can help watch your home when you are out of town. Not only that, but being able to recognize who resides on your block will make it easier to notice when a suspicious stranger is stalking the neighbourhood.

If you live in an apartment building, treat it like a mini neighbourhood as well as your own house when it comes to crime prevention. You would never let a stranger into your home, so do not buzz in or hold the exterior door open for anyone you do not know either. If a resident has locked themselves out, they should know how to contact the superintendent or, if they do not, ask for their number and pass it along to the super. It is all too easy for abusive ex-boyfriends and stalkers to lie about “losing their key”.

It is not just your real neighbourhood you should protect, but your virtual one as well. Never share personal information online and do not announce on social media —or your voicemail—that you are going to be away on business or spending a couple of weeks backpacking across Europe. Wait until after you get back to share your excitement and travel photos.


The best thing you can do is contact Cobourg Police Department ( and book a free CPTED audit for your home or business. The Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design program consists of certified police members analyzing your property’s weak points and making a list of recommendations. These suggestions will allow the home/business owner to proactively ensure safety concerns and criminal opportunities are minimized.